The Belgian Blue Stone façade gives a contemporary vibe to this new residential building, located in Belgium…

The owners can make the most of the large windows that bathe their apartment in natural light and open up the view over the River Scheldt, while enjoying a certain privacy thanks to the claustra walls covered with clivoDÉCOR veneers in Belgian Blue Stone. Minimalist, slender openings have been created on these claustra walls, allowing residents to see without being seen, while letting in the rays of light.
From an aesthetic point of view, the regular graphic effect of the openings in the claustra walls lends character and a very contemporary vibe to the building’s façade.

ClivoDECOR limestone veneer
The clivoDÉCOR wall veneers are glued without joints onto the claustra walls. Dark grey in colour, they have a cleaved and sparkling face, the glittering effect brought on when the sun hits the Blue Stone. Their very structured and raw surface gives relief to the building’s façade.

Sabbiato Grey finish
The cladding of the façade is set off, on the columns and the stringcourses, by wall slabs in Belgian Blue Stone in a Sabbiato Grey finish. Light grey in colour, this very contemporary finish is sandblasted to obtain a slightly rough surface. Sabbiato Grey is a natural match for the cleaved finish of clivoDÉCOR veneers.

Belgian Blue Stone and wood
The combination of two natural materials, such as Blue Stone and wood, is always a guaranteed winner. The complementarity of their colours and textures results in harmonious projects that never veer into bad taste.

Location: Oudernaarde – Belgium
Architect: DnA Architecten Ingenieurs – Oudenaarde
Project owner: Wyckaert Bouwonderneming